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HLS Alumni: Please submit a personal or professional update about yourself for the next issue of the Harvard Law Bulletin in the form below.

Press releases about alumni may be sent to

Submit a Class Note

Contact Information


Employer Information

Class Note Information

We now publish class notes in print but also as part the online version of the Harvard Law Bulletin that is viewable without a password. Do you want your note published as part of the online issue?(Required)
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 10 MB.
If you selected “yes” above, to include your class note in the online version of the issue, you can upload a photo that could be posted with your news.

Please note: Class notes are published in the Bulletin twice a year. If you have a change in contact information, new employer, change of address, please complete the Change in Contact Information form. A link will be available after you submit your Class Note.